1300130933 (24/7 Support) enquiries@lamson.com.au

Autonomous robots and innovative materials handling solutions

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Our automation solutions are at the forefront of industry 4.0

Head office

Unit 2 / 38 Binney Road, Kings Park NSW 2148
Ph: 1300 130 933 or 1300 526 766 (LAMSON)
E: enquiries@lamson.com.au

State offices

QLD: Unit 25 / 55 Commerce Circuit, Yatala QLD 4207

VIC: Unit 2 / 8 Samantha Court Knoxfield VIC 3180

WA: Unit 2 / 23 Mordaunt Circuit, Canning Vale WA 6155

SA: Unit 6 / 12-14 Tikalara St, Regency Park SA 5010

How can Lamson’s autonomous and innovative materials handling solutions transform your operations?